
Technique: Marbling – Cutting Paper   
Size: 34,5” x 34,5” (88cm x 88cm)

The work is the interpretation of the engraved ornaments covered with floral motifs on the door columns of a hospital in Sivas, Turkey. 

Inside is engraved with tree of life, one of Kayseri Döner Kümbet ornaments, and Two-Headed Eagle motifs. Various Marbling techniques such as  Gelgit, Koyu Battal, Hafif Battal, Şal in different colors are used with akkase marbling performed on the same paper for 10 times. Moreover, plant stems and tree of life around the exterior circle are added into the work in Quilling technique. Tree of life is painted in yellow with overall blue and copper red tones of the work standing for the frequently-used colors of the period.